
Being your own boss: this is how self-employment works

Do you want to be your own boss? With the right business idea, you can be on the road to success Perseverance, a stable network, and enough start-up capital make it easier to start your own business Step by step to your own business: business and financial plan, the correct legal form, and registration with […]

Career boom abroad: When engineers go traveling

It is almost a miracle that Detlef Holtz is available for an interview in the northern German town of Maschen. But at least it’s a happy coincidence. The engineer, who works as a commissioning engineer for steam turbines, has been at home all over the world for years and is currently working for the first […]

Career “downshifting”: How to return to the second row

The classic career path always leads upwards: entry-level job, senior position, leadership role. But not everyone is up to the pressure to take responsibility and lead a team. Is it then possible to get out of the leadership role again? “If you are dissatisfied in a responsible position, it is first important to recognize the […]

Plan strategically: This is how your next vacation becomes an application assistant

Let your mind wander while strolling on the beach, discover new cultures and countries, just let yourself drift – that is a vacation. It lets us breathe deeply and gives us a breather from stressful everyday life. And vacation forms Because if properly planned, holidays can even advance us professionally. Would you like to change […]

This is how you define your professional goals – and achieve them

Almost every one of us probably remembers the first career aspiration that he or she immortalized in the friendship book of his classmates. Engine driver, policewoman, teacher, actress – very few are likely to have actually put this first professional goal into practice. But even if your dream job didn’t work out – we still […]

How to act correctly in the event of a solicitation

Rule # 1: stay calm and don’t rush anything Often the first contact takes place during working hours by phone. However, you must take the time to speak to the competitor’s HR manager. Especially if you are in the office, ask the caller to contact you at another time. Give them your private phone number […]

Temporary work: career opportunity or dead end?

Sometimes it’s called temporary work, sometimes it’s called temporary work. The prejudice is always the same: auxiliary jobs with no prospect of a career – there is nothing else there. In fact, in many cases, this is still the case. “The typical temporary worker is male, young, and unqualified”, says Ilona Mirtschin, labor market expert […]